#1. Modify your recipes
* Replace butter with applesauce, bananas or pumpkin
* Replace chocolate chips or candy with dried fruit
* Use plain Greek yogurt instead of cream cheese, sour cream and mayo
* Flavor with almond, vanilla or peppermint extract instead of butter and sugar in certain cocktails/beverages
* Add cinnamon to holiday beverages to kick start your metabolism
#2. Prepare a healthy dish to share – It’s SO easy to overeat, BUT you have control over what you consume. When you bring/have a healthy option, it guarantees at least 1 thing that aligns with your standards/goals
#3. Keep meals balanced with protein – Protein promotes fullness and weight maintenance. It also increases your metabolism and reduces your appetite. For most, 25-30g/meal is ideal from meat, fish and plant foods like beans
#4. Control your Stress! – I know… easier said than done right?! Here’s a fact though – stressed people have high levels of cortisol. Chronic high levels of this hormone cause weight gain AND food cravings. Stress less by doing some exercise, yoga, meditation and/or deep breathing
#5. Eat mindfully – Do not eat while distracted or multitasking (this includes regular work AND cell phone usage). It causes overeating due to not paying attention to fullness. Chew slowly and take a few deep breaths before you start eating your meal to create some relaxation and focus on your food