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About me


Jenna Hoffert

My passion is meeting people all over the world to help them become a better version of themselves.

I am a/an:

* Wife
* Mom of 2
* Educator on leading healthy lifestyles
* Personal trainer
* Health coach
* Believer in person growth

* Time freedom advocate
* Wellness event coordinator
* Supporter
* Encourager
* Athlete, runner and weightlifter
* Mindset motivator

With over 14 years of experience as a high school teacher there comes a lot of stress, overwhelm, often feeling underpaid for effort, missed important family events and a limited say on scheduling throughout the day. I love educating and connecting with my students, but maintaining overall health and a proper blend of work and life is an absolute necessity.

In 2017 I felt completely exhausted and unable to keep up with everything going on around me. Through a friend, I discovered a solution that was a total game changer for not only my health, but my entire life. Little did I know, this experience would light my heart up inside and lead me in a completely different direction with my life!

I simply share what I love to help people become a better version of themselves physically, emotionally and financially. I’ve never felt more certain that I’m being guided to help others on their individual journeys of becoming better versions of themselves as well.

I help people get fit in their 40’s and feel as good as they did in their 20’s! With my help, they are able to feel more energized, do things they enjoy regularly and actually want to wake-up early each morning because they are excited about life and the possibility in front of them. My services benefit everything in my clients lives including family, friends, coworkers and their physical and emotional wellbeing because they feel alive, free, balanced and truly fulfilled. They are truly able to live their ideal lives and feel complete happiness.

If you are currently living your life at a 2 or 3 and are looking for a real solution to help you live at a 10, let’s chat!

My Experience

Years of Health Coaching Experience
Happy Customers with References
Contests and Conferences attended
Miles run this year

My certifications

Contact me!

It’s time to focus on your selfcare now! Let’s connect!